Nice Love leopard Thin Blue Line lips shirt
Celebrating world aids day and mercury phoenix trust fighting aids worldwide I am so honored to be able to support the amazing legacy of freddie and queen by doing a Nice Love leopard Thin Blue Line lips shirt cover of one of my favorite songs under pressure it was so exciting to me to be able to do this with my close collaborator and one of my best friends teddy geiger for a cause that is very close to our hearts shawn mendes shawn is a hugely talented artist and he and teddy have given us a stunning version of this queen and david bowie classic all of us at the mercury phoenix trust are eternally grateful to shawn and universal music group for helping us in this way in the ongoing fight to conquer the global aids epidemic jim beach www mercuryphoenixtrust com. A new pistolero is coming luis suarez el gol se lleva en los genes luis credit instagram com luissuarez9. Fr on dit souvent que le mariage est l'un des jours les plus importants dans la vie d'un homme et que l'organisation de cette cérémonie n'est pas une mince affaire je le confirme mais grâce à starsonfield précisément ciacia guzzetti arianna schiavi federica premoli yuliya bugrey giacomo gagliani et edoardo cutrera ainsi que mbiele happi nous avons eu le plus beau mariage mon épouse et moi vous remercions du fond du coeur pour cette parfaite expérience et pour avoir rendu ce jour inoubliable ️ en it is often said that wedding day is one of the most important days in a man's life and that planning for that special day is a big deal well it surely is but thanks to help of starsonfield specifically ciacia guzzetti arianna schiavi federica premoli yuliya bugrey giacomo gagliani and edoardo cutrera as well as mbiele happi our wedding day was the most beautiful my wife and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the seamless experience you have given us and in helping make this day unforgettable ️ Nice Love leopard Thin Blue Line lips shirt
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