Original Snowboarding snowboard dad like a normal dad but cooler vintage shirt
I want to be sure we're all clear about something that brett kavanaugh said in his confirmation hearings last week he referred to birth control pills as abortion inducing drugs that set off a Original Snowboarding snowboard dad like a normal dad but cooler vintage shirt lot of alarm bells for me and it should for you too kavanaugh didn't use that term because he misunderstands the basic science of birth control the fact that birth control prevents fertilization of eggs in the first place he used that term because it's a dog whistle to the extreme right when kavanaugh called birth control abortion inducing drugs he made it clear that safe and legal abortion isn't the only fundamental reproductive right at grave risk if he is confirmed access to birth control is too imagine an america in which women are barred from getting iuds or birth control pills and doctors are criminalized for prescribing them it's an america in which women would be punished for insisting on being full and equal partners in society sen kamalaharris asked brett kavanaugh last week can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body he said he was not because there are none let s be clear women have just as much right as men to make the most personal health decisions without government interference we are equal citizens and we will insist on nothing less in this country please call your senators and relay the message 202 224 3121. No te pierdas el domingo 17 a las 13 20 en la 2 de tve 'un césped de cien años' una crónica del adiós del estadio vicente calderón que pone los pelos de punta atlético de madrid uncéspedde100años forzaatleti. We gon chase down the bully watch the full spoken word performance on vevo and get ready for everythangscorrupt droppin tomorrow Original Snowboarding snowboard dad like a normal dad but cooler vintage shirt
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