Nice Who needs santa when you have a redhead grandma shirt
Congratulations to my le mans racing team I just received news that they won the p2 teams 24hrs of le mans race this is the first time in history that a Nice Who needs santa when you have a redhead grandma shirt chinese racing team has ever won the p2 race at le mans two of our teams took first and second place what a moment to remember creating history with the best possible results you guys are my heroes unfortunately i'm busy preparing for my jc stunt team 40th anniversary celebrations and also my 3rd annual action week at the shanghai film festival so I can't come and celebrate with you right now will celebrate with you on your victorious return home. La felicitación toca mañana pero la celebración fue ayer gajes del oficio una ocasión para celebrar lo que nos une el amor por la familia te queremos nano your birthday's tomorrow but the party was yesterday work calls an occasion to celebrate love for our family love you to pieces nano pilar rubio sergiojr marco alejandro familiaalcompleto disfrutamoscomoenanos minanosehacemayor pasiónpormifamilia. Loved shooting the new fendi campaign with my daughter kim kardashian west and my granddaughter north thank you fendi what an honor threegenerations family love memories Nice Who needs santa when you have a redhead grandma shirt
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