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American wild horse campaign news alerts christiane this morning a Official I love you 3000 Heart shirt federal judge in oregon granted our request for a preliminary injunction to stop the bureau of land management blm from proceeding with controversial experiments to surgically remove the ovaries of wild mares in oregon the experiments were set to begin this month due to the experimental design which requires conducting the procedure on pregnant mares the injunction effectively means that the research may not proceed for a year if at all it was the second time this week that our attorneys were in federal court fighting against the government's war on wild horses and it's the second time in two years that our legal action has stopped the blm from proceeding with these cruel surgeries we re pleased that judge michael w mosman recognized the strong public interest in humane treatment and protection of wild horses and we're grateful to our co plaintiffs the cloud foundation and its executive director ginger kathrens the animal welfare institute and photographer carol walker for joining us in this fight it's time for the the blm to reconsider its plans to conduct this inhumane research and focus instead on humane scientifically recommended forms of population management including pzp fertility control this is an important first step in the fight against inhumane surgical sterilization of our wild horses and burros we will continue to keep you updated have a good weekend and thanks for standing with us the awhc team. Battle for azeroth world quest ui changes tweets finalbosstv paladins dlc 637. Lonesome day is the second single from the rising bruce s first album with the e street band since 1984 the original single features two of their then recent performances including a memorable version of spirit in the night where bruce forgets some of his lyrics hear the ep on all digital music servicesOfficial I love you 3000 Heart shirt Official I love you 3000 Heart shirt

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